Click/Tap to move. Autofire


earth-texture by 0melapics on Freepik

Made withGodot


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I don’t know how this happened but on my second runthrough being outside of the zone did not hurt me. By that point the game was chugging at less than 10 FPS because the big guys have maybe too much health? I did Fire Rate+ for every upgrade.

Yeah, I think about half as much would have been a better choice (plus maybe a damage upgrade & more level ups in general). Should have saved more time for playtesting. I noticed the health bug, but thought it was something I did post-submission, huh. Anyways thanks for the feedback!

Really fun little game. I loved how the zone kept moving randomly and the upgrade mechanics were a nice touch. I feel like the large enemies could maybe have a little bit less health though :D

Half as much would have maybe been ok, should have saved more time for playtesting. Thanks for the feedback!

(1 edit) (+1)

cool, the base is there. I like the tiny scropion sprite.
Sound is ok.

the biggest complaint i would have is that there is no "middle" enemy, the big ones are bullet sponges and the scorpions are one hit. would be nice to have something in the middle which dies after 3-5 shots.

I miss an xp bar

other than that, more upgrade types, different weapons and so on. of course more monster types etc.

well done!

Agreed, I think really anything to make the player 'feel' the resource gain would have helped a lot. Plus more stuff in general, maybe after doing a few more of these I'll be able to increase my scope a bit. Thanks for the feedback!